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En hiver ... will be right back Me... Me and my... A pictographic statement of ennui The 45 minute fist Sorrow This is not the Time Warp The club advert I didn't know they stacked angst that high *Blink* *Blink* Still B/W 1/27/2002, 2 Rum&Cokes Revamping Perfect Alas 1/2 Alas/Renfield Filler Wings Hanged Man Mouth to Mouth Collision Got That Feeling Sketchdump Bath Towel Katsucon 7 Kiss Them for Me Fire Works Ink On Vacation Moonlight Swine & Roses Alien Scribble The Stroll Alas, meet Sparky Natural 20 (Sketch) Natural 20 (Color) Low Rider Baby, All This Can Be Yours
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Baby, All This Can Be Yours

For the folks in my monthly Eberron campaign, here's Phex (changeling professor of comparative culture) and Lairen (AKA "The Heron," half-drow guide from Xen'drik), with the feather (but without the daggers). Lairen doesn't usually smile this much, but Phex does have nearly twice her Charisma score. On a side note, I am now ashamed to have contributed to the slew of drow/half-drow art that floods the internet. But hey! That's what the setting called for.

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